Hey, Romania!
Training Camp is almost here! Can you believe it?
Here’s some of the information you’ve been anxiously awaiting:
Your itinerary for your flight to/from Romania:
US 1461 21Jun Atlanta-Charlotte 155P 306P |
LH 0429 21Jun Charlotte-Munich 525P 810A |
LH 3496 22Jun Munich-Cluj 925A 1200N |
LH 3497 14Jul Cluj-Munich 1250P 135P |
LH 0414 14Jul Munich-Washington 325P 625P |
UA 7657 14Jul Washington-Atlanta 955P 1141P |
Before you ask—yes, these dates are right! Your team will fly out on June 21stand return to ATL on July 14th for a Debrief in Atlanta. You will spend July 14-15that this hotel. Then you fly home on July 16th!
Your Debrief site is:
Clarion Hotel Atlanta Airport South
6288 Old Dixie Hwy
Jonesboro, GA. 30236
Here you will get to meet up with other teams from your Training Camp and spend one final night with your team before you return home.
-Don’t forget your Bible and passport!
That’s it for now! See you soon!